"After months in the making, I'm proud to be officially launching our first Work Experience Program for young people and those participating in employment pathways in our region.⠀
JRS has always placed a value on coaching, mentoring, and upskilling for the future. Through the WEX program, the next generation will #burnwire and gain a practical understanding of the manufacturing industry.⠀
Guided by our skilled mentors, they will work in teams with like-minded individuals to design, procure, process, and construct exciting projects to give real insight into what #tradelife is like at JRS Manufacturing Group and the broader industry.⠀
If you're interested in the manufacturing industry or just want to learn about the opportunities that exist, please submit your expression of interest for this program - applications close Monday, 5th September."⠀
- Jasmine Riddle⠀
CEO, JRS Skills Academy